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Hebei Zhanyu Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd.
Hasiera » Berriak » Canton Fai-ren laburpena

Canton Fai-ren laburpena

Erakusle gisa, dugu Hebei Zhanyu Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. benetan suma dezake aurtengo Kantoiko Azoka antolakuntza batzordeak egindako asmoa eta prestaketa. Zure etengabeko hobekuntza ere bada, aitzindaria eta berrikuntza, Canton Azoka hau ondo egitea bermatzen duena.

Aurtengo Canton Azokak batez ere bost aipamen aurkezten ditu. Lehenengoa, erakusketaren dimentsioa goi mailara iritsi da. Aurtengo Canton Azokak erakusketa areto berri bat ireki du, eta lehen faseko erakusketa-eremua handitu egin zen jatorrizkotik 400,000 metro karratuetara 500,000 Metro karratuak. As of the close of the museum at 6 pm on the 19th, 1.261 million people entered the museum. Both the exhibition area and the number of visitors have reached record highs. At the same time, the online platform was regularly operated, eta 311,000 overseas buyers participated online.

Second, overseas buyers are active in placing orders. In the first phase, there were 66,000 overseas buyers, and the export turnover was 12.8 billion US dollars. Many exhibitors said that although overseas buyers are still recovering, the buyers present at the exhibition have a strong willingness to purchase and place orders faster. From the perspective of the number of orders, medium and long-term orders of more than three months accounted for nearly 60%. In addition to placing orders on the spot, many merchants also made appointments with exhibitors to visit factories on the spot, and more cooperation is expected to be reached in the future.

The third is to keep pace with the times with new themes and new exhibits. In the first phase, new themes such as industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing, new energy and intelligent networked vehicles, and smart life were newly set up, attracting a total of 762 exhibitors. Held 150 events for the first show of new products, involving industries such as industrial manufacturing, electronic home appliances, building materials and home decoration, attracting 30,000 people online and offline.

Fourth, green development leads the trend. Thethree newproducts such as electric vehicles, photovoltaics, and power batteries were unveiled in a concentrated manner, attracting a large number of purchasers to inquire and negotiate. About 500,000 low-carbon and environmentally friendly exhibits such as zero-carbon source air conditioners and photovoltaic energy storage equipment were exhibited.

Fifth, the forum activities are rich and colorful. The 2nd Pearl River International Trade Forum held during the Canton Fair focused on trade digitalization and investment system innovation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. A total of 5 themed forums were held, and the political, business and academic circles participated extensively and responded enthusiastically. During the same period, 7 professional forums in the fields of consumer electronics and new energy vehicles were held, eta 44 matchmaking activities such asBridge of Tradewere held.

Handan Yongnian District Zhanyu Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Mingyang Village Industrial Zone, Tiexi, Yongnian Barrutia, Handan hiria, Hebei probintzia. Enpresak baino gehiagoko eremua hartzen du 20,000 Metro karratuak, eko kapital sozialarekin 35 milioi yuan eta baino gehiago 300 langileak. The company has 18 years of production and sales experience, well-equipped, and there are many station machines and punching machines. Mainly produce all kinds of anti-seismic supports and hangers, accessories of anti-seismic supports and hangers: C formako altzairua, saddle clips, welded bases, four-hole reinforced corner guards, AB hinges, AB bases, pressure plates, V-shaped reinforced bolts, spring nuts, plastic wing nuts wait. Mainly produces all kinds of cable tray accessories: bridge screws, brida intxaurrak, flange bolts, bagged bolts, hexagon socket flange bolts, bridge connecting wires, seven-character buckles, welding-free buckles, welding buckles, suspenders, split pulls Explosion, stainless steel bridge screws, etc. We have many years of service and sales experience in earthquake resistance, photovoltaic bracket accessories, bridge accessories related products, the company’s products are spread all over the country, including Zhenjiang Yangzhong, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Qingdao, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Fujian , Heilongjiang, Gansu, Xinjiang and other provinces and cities. Relying on advanced technology, honest management and the spirit of continuous innovation, the company has developed rapidly. While the company is developing, it has won the evaluation and favor of new and old customers with continuous summary and continuous optimization of customer service. Zhanyu Fasteners will join hands with all employees to serve wholeheartedly and create brilliance with you!